parlor: coming 2019

Around the Table is in the midst of planning events for 2019 and our team couldn’t be more excited. Emma recently suggested an idea that has inspired us all to create something different and new. We’re calling it Parlor.

Here’s what the team’s thinking: we’ll have four big seasonal dinners throughout the year. Each dinner will have between 14-16 tickets available and those tickets will be at a higher price point. Why will they be higher? Because the experience we offer at these dinners are immersive: a four course meal, handcrafted beverages, some form of creative activity — all housed in an unexpected venue.

We love those events, but we’ve heard from quite a few folks that they simply can’t afford to attend. Emma brought this to my attention last week and then she told me her idea: offer an Around the Table experience at a lower price point.

These experiences — what we’ll call Parlor — will have the same attention to detail, the same passion for community, and the same value for liveliness — all at a lower price point. We’ll have more tickets available and that will allow us to keep our event standards high, while allowing more folks to attend and become familiar with our concept.

We’re really excited for this concept to take shape. We believe Des Moines is in its prime and as folks continue to move here from afar, they’ll be looking for places to meet new people and encounter new things.

Parlor will help fill that void.

p.s. do you have access to an interesting space? or maybe you have a cool home or a stellar apartment with a view? we’d love to chat with you about the possibility of hosting an event in 2019. email us at
