film ain't dead. des moines ain't boring.

film ain't dead. des moines ain't boring.

Did you hear? I wrote a guide to Des Moines over on Design*Sponge (which you can read by clicking here.) It was super hard to narrow down all the places I thought were worth visiting, but I ended up putting together a list I feel proud to share. After the jump are a few pictures that didn't make it onto the guide, but that I thought were too good not to show you guys. 

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A Conversation with Domestica

A Conversation with Domestica

I can finally say that I love Des Moines, Iowa. 

Over the last two years, I’ve become better acquainted with Des Moines and everything that it offers. While we may not be New York City, San Francisco, or even Chicago, we have something special here.

But what is it that makes Des Moines so special? This question led me to seek out an answer in the East Village district, because it was there that I began to fall in love with my city and all that it offered.

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